What is Ask NBA?
Ask NBA is an experimental, AI-powered chat feature that allows fans to access statistics related to players, teams, past scores, matchups, and head-to-head player comparisons through conversational chat. The Ask NBA feature is in Beta for the 2023 Finals
Ask NBA is only available in the US and an NBA ID is required to access Ask NBA.
What kind of information/facts can I ask Ask NBA?
Ask NBA provides access to historical box scores through the most recently completed game, advanced defensive metrics since 2017, and player details including college, draft and awards.
Where can I access Ask NBA?
Ask NBA is only available in the US. An NBA ID is required to access Ask NBA. If you are not signed in to your NBA ID, you will need to sign in or create an account to access Ask NBA. To access Ask NBA, please follow the directions below
- Open the NBA App
- Tap the “Discover” tab
- Tap ”Ask NBA Beta”
What year can Ask NBA date back to?
Since the NBA’s inception. Ask NBA includes metrics from every season in NBA history. Advanced metrics are available back to 2017.
How do I start a new chat within Ask NBA?
Tap the More button (three dots) in the top right corner of the chat window. In the menu tap “New Chat”
Can I see my previous Chatbot messages?
You can see your previous messages in a chat session until you either leave the chatbot or select “New Chat.” Once a chat session ends, previous messages are not saved.
If I am having issues or have feedback, where should I go?
If you are having issues signing in or watching games, please reach out to our support team here.