Adjusting the time settings on certain connected devices can help troubleshoot location issues.
On the web, users are unable to change the calendar time settings to their specific timezone. All times will be in Eastern Standard (EST).
The Games tab shows game times based on your timezone settings on your device.
- Go to the Home screen by pressing the Home button on your remote.
- Use the ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ buttons on the remote to go to ‘Settings’
- From ‘Settings’, go to ‘System’ and select ‘Time’
- Adjust the hour time format and time zone settings on your home screen clock.
Xbox One and Xbox X Series:
A mismatch in the Xbox One or Xbox X and your local time zone might prevent it from accessing any videos.
- From your Home screen, press the Xbox Guide button. Or, you may simply choose ‘Settings’ if it is visible on your home screen.
- Choose ‘Settings’
- Go to ‘System’ and select ‘Time’
- Go to ‘Time zone’
- Choose from the list of available time zones and your Xbox One and Xbox X will automatically update your date and time